Sunday 5 August 2012

Shoes On Fashion

 We, as human beings, want to reveal our individuality through clothing. I’m not saying that’s the only way to reveal our individuality, but one of the ways. We go out of our way to look good. We want to stay with the “trend league”. One kind of shoes that is very trendy is 'high heels' which we all know it is very uncomfortable to all women to wear more than half an hour. Even though 'high heels' are uncomfortable , women choose to wear since it is highly in fashion and make a sexy look to you, by revealing longer legs. High heels are more  dangerous than other kind of shoes but women choose to wear this in the name of Fashion, but the real fact wearing high heels is pain, which lead to back pain and hammertoes and many more. But still high heels, pointed heel, thin lenthy heel are in fashion still and these, being best and first choice of women they will stay in fashion for ever. High Heels are often wore in business deals and meetings presentations extra... When wore on skrit with a suit of jacket, it gives a classy look. Women wear high heels in vocations, parties, and various other activities, where they want to flaunt with a sexy look and make impression of every ones eye sights. To be a center of attraction, naturally we all would love to take the chance, that too women, no matter whatever happens they appear with the looks expected by the crowd.